It has to do with the constant threat of being revealed to be less than advertised. The chink in my armor is leaving me naked. I am exposed. A fraud.
Fumble-tongue, or Elevator pitches on bullet trains
Here’s the impetus for this post: I’m standing at the book fair, technically Local Author’s Day, when someone strolls by and asks me what my books are about.
Time Capsules are Abundant
I’ve unwittingly (well, for the most part) been the historian of my own life for my entire life. Every time I’ve crafted a diary or journal entry—and more recently a blog post—I’ve been pinning down a bit of history, even if it’s an internal thought that I, or my great grandkids, might someday review.
Generating Creativity
If ever my creativity were running dry, I’d go to an online generator or to ChatGPT to get the juices flowing again. Sometimes, honestly, I jog over there just for fun, for I seldom if ever have creativity problems.
Sackerson, a draft
Can a reforming misanthrope from Oklahoma make a difference in the messed up world and time he’s found himself in?
Velocity Blues a near-future novel by Clifford Royal Johns
"Velocity Blues is a frenetic, futuristic gangster caper on fast-forward, with a premise you'll wish you thought of, and a protagonist you'll love (and want to kick on occasion). Characterization, action, and snappy lingo propel this, but there's also a sneaky critique of society, of youth and adulthood, exploitation and rebellion woven through the shenanigans. Enjoy the ride. And try to keep up."
- David Anthony Durham
What is research like for Jarvis’ science fiction?
What do Harry Houdini and Mason’s Knights Templar have to do with one another? What do they have to do with my science-fiction writing? Get a sneak peek inside my “research.” It’s fun to be me!
Review of Mind’s Eye
Douglas E. Richards is compared to Michael Crichton for good reason. Thought-provoking science-fiction thriller. Worth anyone’s time!
Hours pass like minutes
That is what I’m rooting around for: those deep feelings I had with my all-consuming childhood pastimes.
Throw Deep
Someone once asked former NFL quarterback, Kenny Stabler, what London’s quote meant to him. He replied, “Throw Deep!”
Biographically speaking
Then in 2019 I decided I would get something accomplished. I would fulfill a long-time dream, and by the following March, I had written a draft of a hundred thousand word novel!
Quiet: all it’s cracked up to be?
I hear clocks ticking. I hear air handlers, fans and appliances cycling. I hear the wind pushing my house around, and I hear my house creaking and popping in response.
Time Travel with Kids
I truly felt I was sitting there with my young son again, as if I’d traveled time…
MLJ pictured here
Mark Landon Jarvis, portrait of an enthusiastic author. Don’t you want to read this guy’s stuff? Don’t you?
What’s Inside
I am commonly struggling for the words or associations to communicate what I'm wanting to share. I've seen this a good deal in my kids, too, as they are searching for words or ways to express.
Lightning’s Hand promotional contest
Prize Pack for a lucky person entering this contest. It’s the first time I’ve put my book in a promo. Here’s to growing our community! Click on in and win thirty (30!) e-books.