


Rory knows the rule: You don't deviate from your programming. You hold position. But when he holds Ashley, he's in free fall.

Rory Reed is tasked with keeping the heiress safe, but she's not playing by the rules. Despite car bombs, death threats and half an intruder dead in her garden, Ashley Winston won't lie low. She's keeping up with corporate competitors and keeping her flying circus in the air. The airship armada of Winston Water Works was her daddy's baby, and now she's going to keep it afloat, do or die.

Vexed by ancient mythology, supernatural killers, and strong-willed women, Reed and his team face their greatest challenges ever. Read this near-future sci-fi, where man versus machine is taken to a whole new level. You'll love the strong characters because you'll see yourself in their struggles.

Get Bewildered now.

Strong characters are one thing, but when there’s mind altering drugs and hijacked ships floating around, those characters feel the pinch.

This book was great fun to craft, for I was able to let fly with some of the tech that’s just introduced in book 1 of Endless Tempest. Here, readers get behind the scenes with the dynasty that owns the airships. You’ll peel back layers of characters to learn their true identities, and you’ll be surprised by more than a few.

Get your copy for the characters. Brace yourself for the twists and turns. Then come back for the next installment in the Endless Tempest series.