Every Which Way

The current book I’m attempting has six POV characters, maybe more. I’m not confident that will work, but it seems to be the only way to tell this story and retain the emotions and concerns of all individuals involved. There’s a clear protagonist and antagonist—really two of each are pronounced and primary types. Seems like there’s lots of well-rounded characters.

I’ve been remapping the book and in doing so, I find it’s complicated, but not convoluted. It would not be the best book to start the series with, but even with blinders on, it seems that it could be a stand alone. Maybe.

There’s time travel involved among the 5 books in the series, so [spoiler]: it’s not a linear series.

Again, this one is the sandwich novel, the hardest to polish up and feather into the narrative of those that come before/after it. It’s like assembling a jigsaw puzzle with the image side down…in the dark…with gloves on.

Recently someone said they were working, just toiling away on housekeeping and generally spurned my work, this work, as entertainment. Yes, I do love a challenge, and I am enjoying the reconstruction of this novel; however, I’d argue that it’s a lot of work! It can be mind numbing, spell-binding, all consuming work, if I let it out of the bottle.

I am not, understand, complaining in the least. I really get a lot out of all this. Sometimes I think every page is just practice for what yet will come, and I’m fine with that. Other times, I am learning along with the future reader, finding out just where this is going, as if I were a reader, not the creator.




Conditioned for Patience