Conditioned for Patience

I’m just days away from dropping my second novel, and I’m intimidated.


Because the second novel, Bewildered, will doubtlessly rile readers for the third novel, working title Lost and Found, and it’s only half-baked. Bewildered drops off abruptly, and I think that I, as a reader, would demand the rest of the story.

It’s not that I don’t know exactly where Lost and Found is going, it’s finding the time to get there.

I know, too, that the third novel will not only need finished, but also edited and all that before it’s release. I think I can be done with the draft in January, the edits, cover, and all that in February. I’ve researched this cliffhanger complex, and theoretically few readers drop off due to impatience. After all, traditional/conventional publishing sometimes has a year or more lag time. To some degree, readers have been conditioned for patience.

While Lost and Found will be eye-opening, even it won’t be as shocking as the next two (completely and thoroughly drafted) books. I am eager to get all this to my audience, no matter how small it may be at the moment, for I think it’s a good read/ride.

In my newsletter, one poll suggested readers want to have this write-along-with-me inside scoop, so I’m sharing a bit of it in this blog. Analytics suggest few are encountering these blog posts so far, but hopefully whenever this post is discovered, audiences will realize the angst I am experiencing when it comes to getting all this out in a timely manner.


Every Which Way


Pastimes in the Future