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Acknowledgements: novelists need to own it, for we do not write in the void.

Thank you, Thank you very much.

This post could be of infinite length, and it’s one I could add to every day. I am inspired to write this in November of 2024, not wholly due to it being the month of Thanksgiving, but also because it’s been a very good year.

I’m going to attempt to tackle this in reverse chronological order, and I’m hoping to keep the focus on my gratitude as it relates to my writing.

Watermark live-event supporters: Amanda, Caden, Carson, Casey, Chris, Christy, Cory, Dakota, Damon, Eddie, Ella, Grant, Jaide, Jamie, Jaxson, Jennifer, Jillian, John, Julie, JP, Katie, Lora, Meg, Mike, Missa, Monica, Nathan, Pattie, Rebecca, Robert, Sage, Sandee

Investors, fans, reviewers, and recent readers—thanks for buying in!

Kansas Authors Club—priceless peer support and encouragement

Ye who read my newsletter and comment—it’s good to be “seen”

Early draft readers, beta and alpha: Mike, Jamie, Katie, Damon, Brandi, Matt, Jaxson, Lora

Business savvy and constant support: Rebecca

Influencers, primarily books, but also podcasts like Nothing is Neutral, Writer’s Routine, Novel Marketing and Writer Dojo

Mental health and life coaches: Courtney, Bill

Contributors: Matt S, weapons and airplanes; Matt H, meteorology; Matt U, technology, Danny M & dept, on airships and geology; English dept members for support and stray ideas; countless others from the college and beyond who serve as sounding boards for wild ideas.

Supporters of my Kickstarter in 2023: Brett, Bryan, Daniel, Emma, Jeremy, Kelsey, Kenny, Matt

Ardent reader supporters: Anne, Elena, Missa, Raven, Tiffany, Valerie, and again many of those listed above.

Products: D2D, 100 Covers, ProWritingAid, Google Docs, ChatGPT, Kit, Squarespace

KSU formative years: Dr. Ben Nyberg and Sir Gary Clift, Dr. Dean Hall…also-mentions Jonathan and Steve…and my fellow grad students who encouraged and/or endured my attempts at literary fiction in college.

Steve Barlow, RIP, for being my most enthusiastic fan in the 1980’s.

My peers in my hometown, particularly Danny, but also all those kids who bought my short stories in my grandma’s alley and shared them around the school like hot love notes.

My father, Kenneth Ray Jarvis, RIP, for being my first number one fan.

The rest of my family and friends back then for listening to my lofty dreams.

My wife and soul mate, who I did not even know for decades, but who I imagined into being. She has been my greatest fan and supporter, one who’s read every word I’ve written. She gets it all in nightly installments and shares in the laughs, tears, and honest feedback I can count on, even when she throws the manuscript across the room.

Disclaimer: this is not an exhaustive list, for it’s impossible to make such a list. So many people have backed me, and I’m so very grateful!