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TMI: I have “biological issues.” I deal with problems of the GI. Food and I do not often get along too well…I offer that as a disclaimer for this post, for those many friends of mine who fancy themselves as foodies. It’s nothing personal. I just personally am at odds with the intake of calories.

I would not, however, want to ‘eat’ through a feeding tube in my nose, as I’ve seen in the hospital shows. I do, I’ll admit, like the taste of many foods, and when I had COVID, flavorless food was one of the worst of the symptoms (I had a mild case of COVID, I guess.)

So, yes, flavor matters. Survival matters. I suppose it’s important to keep all those eating establishments and their employees comfortable, too.

ASIDE: whenever I think of the ramifications of closing down a business due to a change, (whether it’s the threat of AI displacing people or some business becoming antiquated) I always go back to a scene from another favorite film….Fifth Element. Gary Oldman as Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg justifies his work life. In a great speech, he explains that chaos contributes:

Now, think about all those people that created them. Technicians, engineers, hundreds of people, who will be able to feed their children tonight, so those children can grow up big and strong and have little teeny children of their own, and so on and so forth. Thus, adding to the great chain of life. You see, father, by causing a little destruction, I am in fact encouraging life. In reality, you and I are in the same business.

…so in the same way, I realize it would be catastrophic if everyone felt like I did about food. I don’t want to disrupt the great chain of life!


Regardless, I've told my family and friends that variety in food is not important to me. Usually this comes up when I am feeding the beagle, and I note that, like him, I could eat exactly the same kibble every day for the rest of my life, for to me, food is just sustenance.

This raises the question, however, of just what one food I might want to eat every day for the rest of my days...

If there were no digestive/nutritional issues, this is an interesting question, indeed.

I love a good steak. If it's properly grilled, just the right cut....well, I think I could eat my weight in steak. Just writing about it makes my mouth water. Then again, if it were an everyday food, would I soon tire of it?

Mashed potatoes seem to me like manna from heaven. I especially crave the twice baked potatoes my wife makes with a little cream, butter, garlic...mmmmmmmmmmmm. Hungry.

I did not think of myself as a meat and potatoes man until I started this entry.

I could live on Sugar Crisp cereal. That's a certainty. I would eat it every morning if I could, even now.

I could likely eat anything at all, if it were piled high with Cool Whip.

I just cannot decide, but I think perhaps the almost perfect food would be watermelon. I just might try that this summer!